April 20, 2017

Peep Pro Shake

With the Starbuck's Unicorn Frapp taking over Instagram I decided to create a healthy yet tasty version based on several of its ingredients and a few things that aren't listed. Also, there's no coffee in my version but you can, of course, alter yours if you choose.
1 Packet - Carnation Instant Breakfast powder in Vanilla
1/2 Cup - Milk
1/2 Cup - Coconut Water
1/2 Cup - Raspberry, frozen
1/2 Cup - Mango, frozen
Sprinkling - Coconut, fine
1 - Peep *Optional*

Combine Milk and Coconut Water, and then divide in half. Add the mango to one half of the milk coconut water mixture, and blend. Repeat the same steps with the raspberry this time on the other mixed half. Pour the mango mix into a glass followed by the raspberry mix on top. Sprinkle with some finely shredded coconut, and top with a peep if desired.

Side Note: You can combine all these ingredients together (minus the peep) if you want a quick and simplified version.

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