This year I
FINALLY got my black desktop size X-Mas tree that I
sooo badly wanted last year (
you have no idea!). I got this one for $15 at
Borders (
of all the places I never shop at! LOLZ).

I got all my decorations from
Wal-Mart this year, wish I could have found a topper and tree skirt that I loved
XD Can you see me in the shiny silver ornaments takin' pix? Now that I have my black tree...I secretly saw a dark purple one at Wal-Mart I want! luck but maybe next year??. If black X-mas trees aren't your
thang then perhaps these pics I took recently of our first '09 snow (
me playin' photog yet again) can help put ya in the spirit.

Oh wouldn't be winter without these migratory squatters lurking about my home!

BTW here's my Thanksgiving dinner I cooked,
fww that was some work but I enjoyed it. If it makes ya hungry well...I invited
EVERYONE on Twitter, E-How and MySpace over! I slept for 5 days straight after all that food, no joke!

My homemade pumpkin pie!
NOMZ ^.^
Cheers and Happy Holidays Everyone!
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